For additonal information:

Verba Services

Expert assessment for your company or your personal development
  • Translate

    We provide translating services for texts from English to Spanish and vice versa. We specialize in technical documents, especially those of the mining business . We offer translation, edition, assessment in the creation and preparation of cover letters and many other documents.

  • Interpretation

    We also offer : simultaneous interpreting through the use of interpretation equipment from Spanish to English and English to Spanish; and contact interpreting, which is carried out directly in meetings and conference calls.

  • Text Edition

    Editing is the enhancement of a written text, in terms of grammar and technique. Final edition is always supervised by a native speaker of the target language, and a specialist in the area reviews the work, to ensure quality and fluency.

  • English and Spanish Classes

    In Verba, we have vast experience in language training and it is one of our favorite areas. We know what local professionals need, depending on their sector. We invite you to contact us for our special courses in the areas of Engineering, Finance and Marketing.

  • Writing

    Run out of ideas and you have a deadline to finalize that article?... Call us! Our experts can enhance your documents in an efficient, clear and sophisticated way -Online or in-office assistance -Rates by the hour or day and special rates for companies.

  • Presentation Preparation Assessment

    This service consists of a language expert who can help you create and practice presentations. He or she will provide feedback and support to create a clear and effective presentation and then practice its delivery. This joint effort will bring out the best in you since you are the expert in your area and we are experts in effective language.

  • Conference Call Support

    This service grants you time with one of our experts, who will assist you and help you understand conference calls and provide timely interpreting when calls are not made in your native tongue.

  • Work Interview Support

    This service consists of a session focused on the review of your résumé and cover letter. Uponrequest, wemay consider a simulated interview to help you acquire confidence. Our expert will correct and help you express as best as possible depending of the available timeframe.